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Final Fantasy VII Revealed For PS4!! Although Its Not The Remake We All Wanted

One of the greatest games ever made is making its way to Sony PS4!

Final Fantasy VII is coming to next gen although its not the remake fans have been wanting for eons disappointingly. Its a port of the Steam version which was released earlier this year which sported upscaled graphics.....but not much else.

For those who have been hiding under a rock since its inception and the numerous ports on every Sony system, Final Fantasy VII is arguably the best game in the series and certainly the most successful. Released back in 1997 on the PSOne, FF7 put players in control of Cloud Strife, known for his wacky yellow hair and huge Buster Sword. He was a member of a military organisation called SOLDIER who then tries to go one on one with wack job Sephiroth who is by no means the coolest bad guy ever! Obviously the story goes deeper than that.

The blocky graphics may put you off as it has aged but the storyline is one of the best ever made.

For those who didnt see it the first time around, here is the trailer.

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