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We have played the Battlefield Hardline Beta and we love it!

Battlefield Hardline Beta is available for download and ive been spending a lot of my time on it, testing its mechanical upgrades, admiring the graphics and seeing how transferring from tanks and jeeps to cop cars and sedans.

My biggest attraction and the most amount of time i played Battlefield Hardline was on its new multiplayer mode Hotwire.

Hotwire, according to Visceral Games' Lead Multiplayer Designer Thad Sasser:

10. Hotwire: drive stolen cars fast

Whether you’re the Cops or the Criminals, the goal is to get to the marked cars and drive fast! Driving a marked car causes you to begin to bleed the enemy team’s tickets – so make sure you hang onto the ride and continue to drive.

9. Standing still ain’t helping no one

You’re not going to score points or bleed tickets if you’re not driving. Drive fast to fill the capture bar – now you’re helping!

8. Cool jumps = sweet rewards

Speaking of scoring points, did you know that doing cool jumps will get you extra score? Show off your moves!

7. Get your crew to help you!

Riding solo won’t be as safe as getting someone to ride shotgun with you. Have a buddy tag along to throw Breaching Charges behind you, getting enemies off your tail. Pack your Sedan with friends and take down enemy cars before they can bleed your tickets out.

6. Sabotage is the enemy of your enemy

Putting sabotage on a car is a pretty sneaky move. Putting sabotage on a marked car? Well, that’s just downright mean. Ensure that what’s yours stays yours – or no one’s!

5. Control the Battle Pickups

Constantly getting blown up? Those RPGs that keep killing you are inside that building over there. You might want to spend some effort trying to control this resource. After all, who doesn’t dig huge explosions?

4. No car? Shoot a driver!

Can’t find a marked car to capture? No worries – set up an ambush and pick off the driver. Once you’ve dumped him out of the car, drive off into the sunset with your new wheels.

3. Create roadblocks and control the roads

Each Hotwire map has a couple of key locations that you need to learn and stake out if you want to bring down your enemies. Park your squad car across the lanes, maybe rig it with breaching charges or trip mines – and funnel the enemies into your line of fire! That will teach ‘em to come onto your turf!

2. The Tracking Dart is the friend of your friend

You grizzled old vets might remember this little number from a game called Battlefield Bad Company 2. Yes, the tracking dart is back! Stick one of these bad boys to an enemy or his ride and your entire team will know exactly where he is. It provides the added benefit of allowing RPGs and other rockets to lock on to it and nail it with laser-like accuracy. You can’t outrun a rocket! Well, maybe you can, but it’s not easy.

1. A mighty convoy

I mentioned working with your friends in the same vehicle – but you can help by riding alongside too! Team up and escort a friend, use your car to take out potential threats, disrupt roadside ambushes, and in general be a pain for the enemy and their plans. Driving in a convoy not only gives the enemy more threats to worry about, it also splits their fire between many targets, increasing survivability for everyone. At least that’s what the theory says.

Check out this Hotwire video.

Battlefield Hardline is looking amazing. It plays like the Battlefield we all know and love but the new facelift and game modes really seem to be adding in a new spicier flavour.

Battlefield Hardline releases March 17th on all formats.

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